PhoneVue Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “we”) shall be responsible for communication between we and users of this application/app (hereinafter referred to as “you”) regarding PhoneVue (hereinafter referred to as “this App”) (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Use”) are defined as follows.

Article 1. Consent to Terms of Use

  1. You are deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use by performing the procedure for agreeing to these Terms of Use displayed on this App or by installing this App on your smartphone, and it is assumed that a contract for the use of this App has been concluded between we and you.
  2. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you cannot use this App or the services provided by this App.
  3. If you are a minor, please obtain the consent of your parents or other legal representative before agreeing to these Terms of Use。

Article 2. About this application/App

This application/App provides you with the following services.

  1. Diagnosis of smartphone functions
  2. Smartphone battery deterioration diagnosis
  3. Future prediction diagnosis of smartphone batteries (including user type diagnosis)
  4. Report functions for each diagnosis result
  5. My Page functions
  6. Providing information (store information, etc.) as User Profile
  7. Other accompanying services

Article 3. Privacy Policy

For the handling of your privacy regarding this application/App and the services provided by this application/App, please refer to our separate privacy policy.

Article 4. User Account and use of this application/App

  1. When creating an user account for this application/App or using this application/App, please do not make false statements and provide us with accurate information.
  2. If there is a change in your name, e-mail address, etc., please promptly update the user account of this application/App to the latest information.
  3. You are responsible for strictly managing information related to the user account of this application/App, including ID and password, and do not disclose it to the third parties.
  4. You are prohibited from allowing others to use your user account on the App or similar actions.
  5. We will not be held responsible to you for any damages you may incur by violating this article.

Article 5. Precautions regarding installation and use of this App

  1. It is your responsibility to download, install and use thisApp on your smartphone. We do not guarantee anything about this App or the services provided by this App, and we are not obligated to repair any defects including bugs. Even if you cause damage to a third party in connection with this App or the service provided by this App, we do not take any responsibility.
  2. You are responsible for all costs, including communication charges, incurred in downloading, installing, using, this App and services provided by this App.
  3. Due to the usage environment of this App or services provided by this App, or due to defects including bugs in this App or services provided by this App, this App or services provided by this App may not function properly, Malfunctions may also occur in the smartphone, the software in the smartphone, or the data in the smartphone. In this case, we will have no liability to you.
  4. We do not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, usefulness, safety, etc. of this App or the services provided by this App. We will not be held responsible for any damages you may incur in connection with these.
  5. This App can be used for free.

    Article 6. Change, suspension, termination, etc. of this App

    1. We may change, suspend, or terminate the provision of this App or the services provided by this App at any time without notice to you or your consent. In this case, we will have no liability to you.
    2. This App and the services provided by this App after the change will be treated as this App and services provided by this App under these Terms of Use, and these Terms of Use will also apply to these.

    Article 7. Attribution of Rights

    1. 1. All rights contained in this App, including copyrights, patent rights, and trademark rights, belong to us.
    2. You may use the App only for the purposes specified by us.
    3. Regardless of the reason, if we instruct you to stop using this App or uninstall this App, you shall promptly follow this instruction. We will not be held responsible for any damages you may incur in connection with these.
    4. You must not perform any act that infringes on the rights of this App, including transfer, modification, imitation of functions and display screens, combination with other software, and translation of this App.
    5. You may not reverse engineer, reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise engage in any act equivalent to the above.

    Article 8. Prohibited Acts

    In connection with this App and the services provided by this App, you must not engage in any of the following acts. If we recognize that you have committed any of these acts, we may suspend or terminate your use of this App or the services provided by this App, prohibit re-registration, terminate the usage contract, claim damages, or take any other appropriate action against you. In this case, we will have no liability to you.

    1. Violent, threatening, or fraudulent behavior
    2. Defamation, insult, obstruction of business, defamation of credibility
    3. Infringement of intellectual property rights
    4. Infringement of moral rights including author's moral rights and privacy rights
    5. Acts that violate these Terms of Use
    6. Violations of laws and regulations
    7. Acts that infringe or may infringe the rights or interests of us or our affiliates
    8. Acts of aiding or abetting any of the above acts
    9. In addition to the above, acts that we judge to be inappropriate

    Article 9. Disclaimer

    1. We have no liability to you where it is stated in these Terms of Use that we have no liability to you.
    2. If you suffer damages due to causes attributable to yourself, including acts prohibited by these Terms of Use, or to causes attributable to third parties, including computer viruses, spyware, unauthorized access, and hacker actions, we will not be held responsible for you if you do.
    3. If you suffer damages due to telecom failure or similar carrier reasons, or reasons not attributable to either you or us like, earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, typhoons, epidemics, other natural disasters, explosions, strikes, wars, civil commotions, government demands, acts of civil or military authorities, force majeure, bank system failures, communication failures, system failures, smartphone failures, we will not be held responsible to you. We don't owe you either.
    4. Even if the contract between us and you regarding this App (including this agreement) is a consumer contract as stipulated in the Consumer Contract Act, we will not due to default or tort resulting from special circumstances (including cases where we or you foresee or could have foreseen the occurrence of damage). In addition, compensation for damages caused to you due to default or tort due to our negligence (excluding gross negligence) is limited to the amount of usage fees received from you in the month in which the damage occurred. In addition, we do not assume any responsibility to you if it falls under the exemption reasons stipulated in this article.
    5. We do not make any guarantees regarding the accuracy and completeness of this App. We are not responsible for any warranties or representations, including express or implied warranties or representations, regarding the App's merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We do not intend to endorse any specific company, business, product or service other than ours through the contents of this App, and we do not provide tax or investment advice, nor do we make securities trading or investment recommendations. There is none.
    6. You shall be responsible for all actions and results of actions based on the information obtained from this App, regardless of whether or not you performed such actions, and you shall not make any objection or claim against us.
    7. The contents of this application may link to external websites. We do not necessarily control or operate such websites, and we are not responsible for the availability of sites or resources not controlled or operated by us. In addition, we are not responsible for any content, advertisements, products, services, etc. contained in or made available on such sites or resources. Therefore, we are not responsible for any damages (regardless of direct or indirect) caused by or related to those contents, advertisements, products, services, etc.
    8. Advertisements (including sweepstakes advertisements) or transactions with advertisers (including participation in sweepstakes and other promotions) within the App are the responsibility of you and the advertiser. You and the advertiser will be responsible for all payments for products, etc., determination of contract conditions and guarantees. We are not responsible for any damage caused by transactions made by advertisements etc. posted in this App and damages caused by the fact that advertisements etc. are posted.
    9. We do not guarantee the absence of errors, bugs, logical errors, malfunctions, interruptions, or other defects, reliability, accuracy, completeness, or effectiveness of this App. The App is provided to you as is, expressly or impliedly, as we have it at the time it is provided, and does not warrant its perfect fitness for a particular purpose, usefulness, security, title and No warranty of non-infringement is made.
    10. We will not be held responsible for any problems that may occur as a result of installing the App or other programs or updates we provide.

    Article 10. Entire agreement, severability, non-waiver

    1. These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between us and you with respect to the matters contained in these Terms of Use and any prior agreement, whether oral or written, between us and you with respect to the matters contained in these Terms of Use, supersedes agreements, representations and understandings.
    2. If any provision or portion of these Terms of Use is held invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions or portions of these Terms of Use shall continue in full force and effect. We and you are obliged to negotiate revisions to reflect the original intent as much as possible, even for sections/areas that have been determined to be invalid or unenforceable.
    3. No failure or delay by either party in exercising any right or remedy under these Terms of Use shall operate as a waiver of such right or remedy, and that party shall have no further consequences. You can validly exercise your rights or remedies without us.

    Article 11. Service provision

    The email address you have registered with us be regarded as notifying you for communication that arrives to you when it should normally arrive or if it is delayed or fails to arrive despite our best of efforts in notifying you regarding the services for this App.

    Article 12. Inquiry or Contact Us

    If you have any questions, opinions, concerns, etc. related to this App or services provided by this App, please send an email to the following email address.


    Article 13. Notification, Publication, and Modification of Terms of Use

    1. Notifications or public announcements regarding these Terms of Use or any changes thereof will be made by posting on the App, posting on our website, sending e-mails, or other appropriate means.
    2. We may change these Terms of Use at any time at our discretion.
    3. As a general rule, changes to these Terms of Use shall be made without your consent, and you have to accept this. However, as these Terms of Use changes or gets updates, we may ask you to agree to the changed Terms of Use.
    4. If you do not agree to the changed Terms of Use, please uninstall this App immediately. If you follow the procedures for agreeing to the changed Terms of Use displayed on this App, or if you use this App after the Terms of Use have been changed, you will be deemed to have agreed to the changed Terms of Use. It is deemed that a contract for using this application/App has been concluded between us and you in accordance with the terms of the changed Terms of Use.

    Article 14. Governing law

    Laws and regulations of India shall apply to the conclusion, validity, interpretation, performance, termination and dispute resolution of these Terms of Use.

    Article 15. Agreed Jurisdiction

    In the unlikely event that a legal dispute arises regarding these Terms of Use, the New Delhi, India. Summary Court or the New Delhi District Court shall be the agreed exclusive court of jurisdiction for the first instance, such as a petition for arbitration, preservation, litigation, or execution, etc., depending on the amount of the complaint.

    Dated : 16th February 2024